The environments are also very well-designed. The weapons in comparison are quite standard: dumbfire and homing missiles, ricochet bombs, mines, napalm, and many more. Each car has its own special move, and the game obeys a logical yet totally unrealistic physics model that allows you to turn on a dime and go flying 100 feet in the air. Like other SingleTrac games (most notably JetMoto), the gameplay in Twisted Metal 2 is very well designed. You then play through a series of arena throughout the world, picking up weapons and trying to kill other vehicles before you are toast. You pick your vehicle from an array of heavily-modified cars, including a flamethrowing Chevette, a spinning F1, to a dangerous contraption that consists of nothing more than two monster wheels (with you strapped in the middle). The plot - the least important element in games of this kind - is simple: you are competing in a worldwide car combat game staged by the a powerful man named Calypso. The action takes place in 8 different locales around the world, many featuring destructible buildings and landmarks. The second in the Twisted Metal series of car combat games, and the last to be developed by SingleTrac, Twisted Metal 2 is considered by most of its fans to be the pinnacle of the series.Ĭombat takes place between a wide array of vehicles ranging from a man strapped between two wheels to an ice cream truck, using an eclectic arrangement of weaponry.